
 Plan     Analyze    Train    Discover  
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  • Select the route for your ride based on your preferences
  • Choose ride intensity, power variability, and style
  • Specify bicycle type and equipment

As a cyclist, planning your rides is essential for achieving your fitness goals and exploring new routes. Power.Δ offers a comprehensive planning tool that allows you to select the route for your ride based on your preferences. Whether you want a casual weekend ride or are preparing for a race event, our planning tool can help you choose the right route. You can also select the ride intensity, power variability, and style to ensure that your ride is tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, you can specify your bicycle type and equipment to make sure you have everything you need for a successful ride.


  • Analyze ride time, training stress, or time spent in different zones
  • Analyze performance changes with wind speed and direction
  • Understand how ride styles and drafting affect performance
  • Use constraint optimization for very accurate results
  • Conduct virtual rides as many times as you want at no cost
  • Download virtual rides in fit file format for further analysis in other applications

Analyzing your ride data is key to understanding your performance and making improvements. Power.Δ provides a powerful analysis tool that enables you to dive deep into your ride data and extract valuable insights. You can analyze your ride time, training stress, or time spent in different zones with different cyclists, bicycles, power, and ride configurations. You can also see how your performance changes with wind speed and direction, and how ride styles and drafting affect your performance on the road. Our analysis tool uses constraint optimization to give you very accurate results, and you can conduct virtual rides as many times as you want at no cost. You can even download your virtual rides in fit file format for further analysis in other applications.


  • Create virtual companions to race against
  • Use gradient workouts to get familiar with remote routes
  • Create power-zone workouts of real-world routes at different intensities

Training is crucial for improving your cycling performance and achieving your fitness goals. Power.Δ provides a range of training tools that can help you get the most out of your workouts. You can create virtual companions for your bike computer to race against on the road, or use gradient workouts to get familiar with remote routes that you plan to complete. You can also create power-zone workouts of real-world routes at different intensities to understand the power requirements and develop your fitness. Our training tools are designed to help you optimize your workouts and get the most out of your training sessions.


  • Observe how physical and physiological parameters affect performance
  • Understand how performance indicators map to actual road performance
  • Find out how your ride compares to Strava segment times

Discovering new routes and exploring different terrains is an important part of cycling. Power.Δ offers a range of features that can help you discover new routes and understand how different physical and physiological parameters affect your performance on the road. You can observe how performance indicators map to actual road performance, and find out how your ride compares to Strava segment times. Our discovery tools are designed to help you expand your horizons and discover new routes that will challenge and inspire you.